the fergusons

the fergusons
me, levi, and azariah

Thursday, November 11, 2010

ReCkLeSs LoVe!!!

This post is taken from a study I am currently doing through my SWING group while at seminary. We are studying Ephesians, and this particular chapter (5) is about submission. I have truly been blessed to learn and grow in this area of love. thanks to Kristi Hart. I have reworded most in my own words. Enjoy.

1. God is a God of order, not chaos (I Corinthians 14:33)
2. Wives are to submit to their "OWN" husband
3. Likewise, husbands are to love their "OWN" wives as Christ loved the church
    - He died for us!
    -Sacrificial love
4. We must be subject to each other in the fear of the Lord

We must first learn to submit to God before we can begin to try to submit to our husbands. This takes intentional time of prayer and Bible study. This is the constant, clear communication that is needed to make any relationship grow and thrive. It is only done through PRAYER!
Likewise, with our husbands, we need constant conversation and growth. We get this through mutual trust and a growing love for our husbands.

Submission is NOT slavery. It is a relational posture. It is 'coming under' your husband in order to lift him up in everything he does and help him become the man he is supposed to be.

Feminisim has thwarted our idea of submission into thinking we are to 'buck' the system of control. This has nothing to do with control. It has everything to do with honor and respect and the fact that you agreed to let God place this man into your life as not only a leader in your home but a spiritual leader. How important is that role? Not only must he provide and protect, he must also guide us spiritually and be a godly example before us. Wow. That is a huge responsibility. Let's give him a break.  We can only submit through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Without Christ we are all prone to selfish independence.

We are to have an 'affectionate' love towards the men in our life. For him and him ONLY! Ladies, especially do little things in public for your guy. They will truly love this. :) An area I am not so comfortable in but am willing to give it a try!

We as women also have a dark and fleshly desire to manipulate men. (Gen. 3;16) and look at the Proverbs too!
:how we act towards them ( flirtatious behavior, emotional attachments)
:how we appear
:how we dress or what we wear (to seek their attention or elicit a reaction)
                                                W R O N G ! ! !
Shame on us! Then we blame them for being pigs! Men have to be men just as we have to be who God created us to be. We need to help them just as much as they have to help themselves. So if you have been seeking the attentions of men, other than your husband or significant other, I suggest you ask forgiveness and seek to honor YOURS and God. We don't need anyone else to validate who we are (we are made in His image)- let's reflect that not just on the outside, especially on the inside.

With that said, we come to the word 'hesed' which is a Hebrew word for love. This word is much deeper than we can explain or try to translate. Some would translate it as "lovingkindness," or "faithfulness," or "devotion."

Actually, it is an "absolutely selfless love."
                                                                    - it is driven not by force or duty or legal obligation but by a deep commitment-
                                                  "it is a selfless love that motivates a person to do volunarily what no one has a right to expect or ask of them. They have the freedom to act or walk away without the slightest injury to their reputation.Yet they willingly pour themselves out for the good of someone else." THIS IS MOST EXPRESSED IN JESUS.
 this is why we must study the scriptures. to become more like Him.

THIS IS THE GOSPEL LIVED OUT! - this is how our love as husband and wife should look. Sacrificial, serving, selfless, and without condition or demands.

Now this is the part where I must publicly announce my sincerest apologies to my dearest friend and my faithful and loyal partner, Levi. You are an amazing husband and more so an amazing man of God who is faithfully devoted to the Lord and daily studying His word. I, however, have not been the faithful partner you have needed. I have not loved you the way I should have; affectionately. In fact, many times I have pushed you away from selfishness or meaness. I am sorry. Forgive me. I am learning how to be that wife you need and how to be the support and encouragement you have to have in order to be who you need to be. I hope I can change this around from this day on and really give you my trust and my heart. You are the best thing that has happened in my life so far (besides Jesus of course :p) and though we have had an incredibley rough journey here, I know we will give God all the glory through our lives! I couldn't have asked for a better soulmate. I couldn't have dreamed for anything more.  I love you!!! Thanks for all your love. Especially for seeing the worst in me and loving me anyway. :)

About Me

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dallas, tx
i am 25 years old and there are a lot of things i want to do but there are so many things i have already done. I love God with all my heart and i'm not afraid to live for Him. I was saved at 4 years old and have lived my life for Him ever since. i have travelled all over the world and wouldn't mind going again. i am married to an amazing man who loves God and inspires me every single day to love more. I am a mommy to the most beautiful, smart, and unique little girl in the world. i love her so much! she makes me feel as if i have a purpose.Life isn't easy but it is a gift. and for that. i am thankful. i am seen as shy until you get to know me. i have a big heart and a sensitive soul. i wrestle with the evil of this world and wondering if any good still exists.